Core Expertise

Automobiles Industries

Automobiles Industries

Automotive & Aerospace companies are embracing new technologies to improve productivity, product quality and customer service, amidst large-scale disruptions brought on by the digital wave. IT solutions leveraging Smart Manufacturing, Cloud, Analytics and Mobility look promising for industrial giants looking to reinvigorate their operations at lower costs.

Smart Cars, Autonomous Technology, and Shared Mobility are set to become the future of the automotive industry, making it imperative for OEMs to stay nimble as they pursue new business avenues. Digitalization has also taken the center stage in the Aerospace industry. IT Solutions, leveraging IoT and Big Data, are helping Aerospace companies reduce inventories, rationalize asset footprints, better manage supply chains, and automate processes.

Our Offerings

Ariva Infotech, with its vast experience in the automotive and aerospace domains, can help companies quickly adapt to the changing technological environment. Our Automotive Consulting solutions are geared to address all IT-related aspects of the Customer-Dealer-OEM-Supplier ecosystem. Our Aerospace Consulting practice provides best-in-class Digital and IT Solutions and Services to leading global clients. Ariva Infotech’s Centers of Excellence (CoEs) bolster these practices by continuously developing accelerators to enhance industrial operations.

Smart Manufacturing & Industrial IoT

Develop high quality products at lower costs and achieve higher asset utilization with Ariva Infotech’s ‘Smart’ Manufacturing and IoT-based solutions

Data & Analytics

Establish a firm competitive advantage with real-time analytical insights into automotive and aerospace business processes

Application Development & Maintenance

Benefit from high quality software with our highly evolved application development and maintenance methodologies

ERP Services

Embrace our robust ERP Services to gain an integrated view of operations across functions, maximizing your return on IT investments

Digital Transformation

Harness the power of digital technologies to streamline operations and offer new value propositions to customers

Configure, Price & Quote

Adopt the right approach when choosing the precise CPQ solution for your business